WeWork Japan


    How to overcome the fear of Monday

    Do you meet a condition "like" Friday and "fear" Monday?

    The photo is gotten from Freepick website <https://www.freepik.com/free-photos-vectors/hello-monday>
    Perhaps “like” Friday and “fear” Monday is quite a common condition for all people who are working. Normally, you will experience the feeling of being bored every Sunday night with the thought ” Tomorrow is Monday, you must go to work” and Monday morning is usually the time that you really feel the most “tired”. It seems that two days of the weekend are not enough for you to recharge your energy. What would we do to start the first working day of the week to be fully energetic? Let’s reference 4 tips below with HANA Asia.
    1. Planning for the new working week
    It is very ideal that you will spend a little time thinking and setting the aim that have to complete in the new week. This thing will help you decrease the status of “do not know where to start”.
    2. Recharge at the weekend
    The weekend is the time for you to relax and rest. Therefore, do not try to bring work come home so as to spend this little time for yourself such as hanging out with friends, watching movies, listening to music, etc.
    3. Reducing the amount of work on Monday
    In order to start a gentle and comfortable week, you should limit your work or schedule meetings on Monday. Organizing too much work for Monday only makes you feel pressured and stressed.
    4. Changing your thought about Monday
    Everything will become positive if you think it is positive. Therefore, let’s think of Monday as the remaining days of the week, you will not feel Monday like a very bad day.
    Let’s try to implement the tips above to start a new working week comfortably with us.

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